Past investment Conference Info

SIEGE® 2023 Sponsored by GameTech Hub

SIEGE® Investment Conference 2022 Sponsored by Tripwire InteractiveThe SIEGE® Investment Conference is the oldest investment conference in the Southeast that focuses on video games and related industries. It gives entrepreneurs in these industries an opportunity to pitch their business concepts to potential investors. Because videogames are a mix of creative content and technology, there are many types of businesses that benefit, and/or benefit from, video game development.  Past presenters have included:

  • Video and tabletop game studios, providers, publishers and facilitators;
  • interactive music producers;
  • esports businesses;
  • livestreaming platforms;
  • social networks;
  • electronic media;
  • search engines developers;
  • middleware developers;
  • interactive products supporting live entertainment;
  • interactive promotional products;
  • media products like feature films,  books, comic books, and eLearning products; and
  • virtual reality arcades.

Panelists include VCs, angel investors, successful entrepreneurs, digital media experts and more.

Important facts about the 2021 SIEGE® INVESTMENT CONFERENCE  are:

  • The hybrid conference runs on Zoom from 8:30 am – 1 pm Friday Dec. 3
  • It will also be held on ground at Axis Replay for those comfortable meeting physically. Axis Replay is located at 112 Krog St NE #10, Atlanta, GA 30307
  • Zoom and in-person attendance will be by invitation only, but the conference will be livestreamed at
  • There will be 10 to 20 on-screen Panelists, consisting primarily of angel investors, VC representatives and industry experts to provide feedback, suggestions and more.
  • There will also be Advisors who will not be viewable onscreen, but will be available to provide advice and guidance to presenting team.
  • The Panelists will decide the Winners for all categories via private vote.
  • Each team makes a five-minute presentation, followed by five minutes of Q&A. Panelists can continue to ask questions in chat during the five-minute transition between Presenters.
  • We will select eight finalists from application received by Nov. 12, so please submit applications by then. Applications can be done ONLINE or found HERE. Earlier applications are more likely to be selected.
  • The opportunity to act as an Advisor or Panelist is by invitation only.
  • The Best Startup (based on the definition set forth below) receives $1,000. Other presenting teams will not be competing for the $1000 prize but are often more likely to benefit from meeting potential investors and customers at the event.

As explained before, regardless of whether you do or do not meet the below criteria, we encourage you to apply to present to our investors and industry experts. To qualify as a Startup, and therefore compete for the thousand dollar prize, presenter must not have received investments of more than $25,000 including investments by founders, and their friends and family, and outside investors. Additionally, revenue from the prior calendar year and revenue to the date of submission in the current fiscal year must not have exceeded $25,000 for each period.

  • There is no charge for being a Presenter, Panelist, Advisor, or Guest at the Conference. Our sponsors fund the conference.
  • SIEGE® stands for the Southern Interactive Entertainment and Game Expo and is produced by the Georgia Game Developers Association (the “GGDA”).

For the fastest responses, please email any questions to all three of these emails:

Rob Hassett [email protected]

Lynn Hassett [email protected]

GGDA [email protected]

Or call Rob Hassett at 678-506-8828

It may not seem that way to the Entrepreneur who struggles making her first few presentations, but those individuals who have the courage to make presentations are very likely to be successful in the long run.

A picture is worth a thousand words except when it’s not.  It all depends on the picture and the words.

Want to Pitch Your Project?

Download and complete the Application or fill out the online FORM. Then, submit (by email to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. The sooner you apply, the greater your chances of acceptance.

2021 Investment Conference Preliminary Schedule

8:30 – 9:00am | Breakfast and Networking (only if we secure an in-person venue and only for those invited to attend in person)

9:00 – 9:30 am | Seating and Connecting of Panelists (assigned) and Advisors (not assigned), Setup for First Presenter

9:30 am – 9:40 am | Preliminary Matters Including Sponsor Announcements, Panelist Introductions, and Miscellaneous Announcements

9:40 am–9:55 am        | 1st Presenter

9:55 am–10:00 am      | Set up of 2nd Presenter

10:00 am–10:15 am    | 2nd Presenter

10:15 am–10:20 am    | Set up of 3rd Presenter

10:20 am- 10:35 am    | 3rd Presenter

10:35 am – 10:40 am  │ Set up of 4th Presenter

10:40 am –  10:55 am  │ 4th Presenter

10:55 am- 11:10 am    │Set up of 5th Presenter

11:10 am – 11:25 am │ 5th Presenter

11:25 am – 11:30 am  │ Set up of 6th Presenter

11:30 am –  11:45 am  │ 6th Presenter

Shotcall (Overall Winner)
Decentralized eSports social network and marketplace that connects celebrities with their fans through video games and streaming.
Thomas Gentle, CEO
USONIQ (Startup Winner)
Pushing content to smartphones using inaudible sound
A new crowd marketing technology that allows brands to communicate with large consumer audiences, using inaudible signals sent to smartphones without Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Jakob Ashtar, CEO,
Andre Cassimere, CMO

Elemensional Rift

Developing video game with definitive and compelling story lines and powerful and compelling characters to establish franchises.
Patrick Durbin
Social, Business and Service Hub for the Gaming Universe.
James Henley
LoopOST, The Hub for Interactive Music
Offering access to video game music such as on demand access to such music.
Michael Brown
ProjectMQ – A New Hope for Indie Games
Search engine for curated independently developed video games.
Marcus Howard, CEO
Vicarious Holdings
Publisher of Video Games.
Michael Brown
N2 Esports
Esports Programs for youth.
Andrew Greenberg, CEO
Pete Sherrard, COO

2018 Winners

Best Overall:

Livesight – Nicholas Middlebrooks and Alex Hornecker

Best Startup:

Intonal – Andrew Beck

Prior-Year Pitches

Burnout Game Ventures:

Cogent Education:

Crank Media Intelligence:

Ker-Chunk Games:

+Mpact Games:

Rockin’ Finance

Soverance Studios:

World’s Fastest Drummer: http://

Puzzles by Joe: