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Free parking in the Doraville Municipal Court lot: 3765 Park Ave, Doraville, GA 30340
Noon – 1 pm Booths open, networking
1-3 pm Portfolio Reviews
3-4 pm Silv-E voting concludes
4-6 pm Silv-E awards
Join us noon-6 pm Oct. 9 at the Doraville Digital Studios (5999 New Peachtree Rd, Doraville, across from the Doraville MARTA station) for networking, playtesting, boardgaming, a portfolio review, and our annual Silver Excellence in Indie Game Development (Silv-E) award ceremony. We will give away more than $1,500 to indie game developers, and your vote may make the difference! Free for GGDA members.
Current awards include: Best Game $500, Made in Georgia $100, Best Production $100, Best Design $100, Most Fun $100, Best Student Game $100, Best Analog Game $100, Best Audio $100, Best Art $100, Best Booth $100, Audience (SIEGE) Choice $100
- $100 prizes for best booth and best costume
- Shaunnon returning with the SIEGE boardgame collection
- The chance to review portfolios or have yours reviewed
- Playtest new games or get yours playtested (or both)
- Free food from Refuge Coffee, Grande Pupusa, and others
- Free for GGDA members, $20 all others via Eventbrite
In addition, bring a SIEGE badgeholder, get a cool lanyard! That’s right. While we are not giving out our traditional SIEGE badges, we would love to get the badgeholders back for future years. Take out the insert with your name on it, frame that, and then bring the badgeholder Sunday.
Sponsored by the Doraville Digital Studio, DeKalb Entertainment Commission, Challenges Comics and Games, and Kennesaw State University.
Like most GGDA events, this is 18+ to attend, 21+ for alcohol. Masks are required when not eating or drinking. Food and drinks are provided free for GGDA members as well.